Finger-ed: Anna Ayala, who with the aid of gullible journalists sought to extort money from Wendy's after allegedly biting into a human finger in a bowl of chili, is sentenced to nine years. It remains inconceivable to me that the reporters who told her story to millions--and cost Wendy's a small fortune in sales--did not know from the outset that this was a hoax.
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At 8:09 PM,
Scott Baradell said…
I feel pretty gullible, too. When I read the story, I wrote a blog post about it and, becsuse the media reported it as a credible event, I reported it as such, too.
In retrospect, everyone, including me, should have been skeptical. Goes to show you the power of the press, particularly for those who are only half paying attention.
Maybe -- at some level -- this is the same reason that 40 percent of Americans still think Iraq was behind 9-11.
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