Holmes Report Blog

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Friday, May 26, 2006

What's Next?: Another spiffy thing about the European awards dinner is that it’s a moveable feast. The first was in Paris. After Berlin this year, we’re almost certainly headed to Barcelona in 07.

An informal survey of attendees in Berlin found considerable support for Rome (despite the fact the we get fewer award entries from Italy than any other major market) and Amsterdam (very accessible for the Brits). The Eastern European vote was split between Prague and Budapest, and there were some adventurous nominations for Istanbul. But in the end, Barcelona was the crowd favorite.

We have three criteria. The city has to be accessible from London, which is where the largest number of attendees (about half) are based. It has to be in a country with a substantial indigenous PR community. And it has to be a city people want to visit.

So Barcelona in 07. Everyone’s invited.


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