Holmes Report Blog

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Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Oil and Troubled Waters: Shell is, rather bravely, sending executives on a 50-city tour of the U.S. to discuss gas prices with the American public. The executives “plan to meet with everyone from average Americans struggling to pay rising prices at the pump to city officials and governors on their tour,” according to this Newsweek report.

“The industry and Shell has a responsibility to explain what we do, why we do it and how we do it to the American people, and we don't do enough of it,” says the president of Shell’s U.S. operations.

Meanwhile, as the FT reports, another U.K.-based oil company is struggling to mend its reputation in the States. After an explosion at a Houston refinery 18 months ago and a criminal investigation into pipeline leaks in Alaska, BP now stands accused of price fixing.


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